In all likelihood, you’ve been approached by someone at some point in your life very insistently wanted to know if you’ve been saved - if you’re guilty of cringe from having asked someone this in the past, you’re forgiven as you’ve found your way here. In Orthodoxy we don’t treat salvation as a one-and-done sort of thing; it’s the goal of all Christianity and the very purpose of the Church. Because of this my stock answer has always been that “I’m in the process of being saved, and hope to be saved!”
The technical theological term for salvation is soteriology, which derives from the Greek soteria - salvation, and our belief is that God became man so that man might become like God - a process we call theosis. It’s a healing process and one that we spend our entire lives in the Church pursuing through participation in the Holy Mysteries - we view sin as an illness that requires treatment through a relationship with Jesus Christ. When we approach the Gospel as a loving relationship with our Creator rather than as simply a law handed down from Him to us to obey, we begin to join in the work that leads ultimately to our salvation.