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Growing the Parish

We do not "pass the plate" at St. Andrew's - those who can give will, and those who can't will not be shamed. 


Pledge forms for regular attendees and members


Stewardship Commitment Form 2022 -


To view the full stewardship brochure, please click here:


Ways to give:



If you’ve looked around on Sunday, it’s pretty clear to see that we’ve outgrown our current space; land for a second temple is going to be substantially expensive and will depend on a dedicated response from all of us. We have to approach this as if we are purchasing our own homes as we are quite literally securing a spiritual home for ourselves and our descendants. Please consider this seriously as you budget for the year and complete your stewardship forms - we will not make it if we assume someone else will bear the burden for us, nor can we continue to grow in our constrained space.


IMPORTANT: If you’ve been holding off on completing your pledge form or giving to the parish for tax purposes, please don’t delay. We already issue tax statements and have done so for the past year; we are covered under the umbrella of ROCOR as a non-profit entity, but are also awaiting our own IRS non-profit certification. We have had an EIN number for several years and that’s what the IRS uses to credit your donations; we are also a registered non-profit in the State of Texas.

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