Past Services and Events
May 29th The Sunday of the Blind Man

Blinded in the eyes of my soul, /
I draw nigh unto Thee, O Christ, like the man blind from his birth, /
and in repentance I cry to Thee: /
Thou art the exceeding radiant Light //
of those in darkness.
May 22nd The Sunday of the Samaritan Woman / St. Nicholas of Myra

The day of splendid solemnity is come; /
the city of Bari rejoiceth, /
and with it the whole world doth exult with hymns and spiritual songs. /
For today is the sacred feast /
of the translation of the precious and much-healing relics /
of the hierarch Nicholas the wonder-worker. /
For like the never-setting Sun, he shineth with brilliant beams of light, /
driving away the darkness of temptations and misfortunes /
from them that cry out with faith: /
Save us, O Nicholas, //
for thou art our intercessor!
May 15th The Sunday of the Paralytic

As of old Thou didst raise the paralytic, O Lord, /
by Thy Divine presence, /
raise my soul which is paralyzed grievously /
by all manner of sins and unseemly deeds, /
that being saved I may cry out: //
O compassionate Christ, glory be to Thy power.

When Thou didst cry, Rejoice, unto the myrrh-bearers, / Thou didst make the lamentation of Eve the first mother to cease / by Thy Resurrection, O Christ God. / And Thou didst bid Thine apostles to preach: // The Savior is risen from the grave. This is also the day before Victory Day, so there will be some sort of a service - details are TBD. Most likely a panakhida, either at the parish or at a park in Austin.
The Myrrh-bearing women were the first to see the Empty Tomb and were instructed by Our Risen Lord to bring the News to His Apostles. Here in Texas, the Myrrh-bearers are the patronesses of our burial societies; at St. Andrew’s ours is St. Mary Magdalene.
May 1st, 2022
St. Thomas Sunday

With his searching right hand, Thomas did probe Thy life-bestowing side, O Christ God; / for when Thou didst enter while the doors were shut, // he cried out unto Thee with the rest of the disciples: Thou art my Lord and my God. Fr. Iggy is out this Sunday, so the readers will lead a Typika service with an akathist.
Saturday - April 30th
Barking Dog Ranch Fundraiser

Barking Dog Ranch who supplies our food pantry with protein is hosting a fundraiser Saturday the 30th, and one of our catechumens is playing the main stage at 2pm! Please consider attending, donating, or both.